Tuned Out Tammy

  • Posted by Dr. Greg Viehman
  • On April 16, 2015
How can someone spend a lot of time in church and consider themselves a Christian and not have salvation? This story is from a woman who was raised in a solid Christian family her whole life, but was not saved until the end of high school. How can the most important aspect of Jesus Christ […]
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Transformed Thomas

  • Posted by Dr. Greg Viehman
  • On April 16, 2015
First of all let me say that I came from a great family. I had a wonderful Mom and Dad and a brother to fight with every day. Until I was about 10 years old, we attended church but were not really Christians. Other than asking God’s blessings on the food I never saw anyone […]
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Porcelain Pauline

  • Posted by Dr. Greg Viehman
  • On April 16, 2015
“Spending twelve years in a Christian school and attending church on most Sundays was all about the “religion” I had growing up. I always knew about God but I never really knew Him. We never read the Bible but at times I remember looking at the pictures with my brother. My mom and dad had […]
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Lost Leonard

  • Posted by Dr. Greg Viehman
  • On April 16, 2015
“In the summer of 1987 my wife began to attend a neighborhood Bible Study. After she accepted Christ and was saved I noticed how the Holy Spirit can radically change the heart of a believer. Then I decided that I would join her at the monthly Bible Study and find out more about God’s saving […]
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Historical Helen

  • Posted by Dr. Greg Viehman
  • On April 16, 2015
“I was brought up in the church but did not actually become a Christian until I was 24. It wasn’t that I did not believe in God. I did! It wasn’t that I didn’t like church. I loved church and attended every Sunday with my family. It was not that I did not know about […]
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Fearful Fred

  • Posted by Dr. Greg Viehman
  • On April 16, 2015
“I was a person who trusted in Christian religion for salvation. I trusted that if I was a relatively good person and performed my Christian religious duties that somehow God would accept me. However; that left the question of how good would be good enough and what if God ultimately rejects me? Subsequently, I was […]
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Deceived Dorothy

  • Posted by Dr. Greg Viehman
  • On April 16, 2015
“My dad was a manager of a company that required frequent transfers to different cities. My mom and dad were both raised in church, but we did not go to church as a family unless we were visiting my grandmother. When I was nine years old we moved to a small country community, and rented […]
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